2011년 11월 7일 월요일

Flash-Aware RAID Techniques

Flash-Aware Raid Techniques for Dependable and High-Performance Flash Memory SSD

IEEE Transactions on Computers, page 80~92, 2011
Soojun Im : Sungkyunkwan Univ.
Dongkun Shin : Sungkyunkwan Univ.


Efficient RAID techniques for reliable flash memory SSDs
The delayed parity update technique
Reduces the number of flash memory write operations
The partial parity caching technique
Exploits the implicit redundant data of flash memory
Reduce the number of read operations required to calculate the parity
Reduce GC overheads in flash memory

2011년 11월 4일 금요일

source insight in linux

How to use source insight in linux??

OS : ubuntu 11.04

download source insight

trial 30 days or something :)

apt-get install wine
install using synaptics

chmod +x sourceinsight.exe

right click on incon of sourceinsight.exe

run on wine !!

how to add file
z: is root directory (/)

enjoy source insight on Linux~~~~